Getting information directly from the university
The best way is to visit the respective university and get advice: Saxon universities offer open house days, taster courses or trade fairs.
Even if you still go to school, you can visit laboratories, conduct experiments, get a taste of everyday university life, find out about matters pertaining to your course of study and even attend lectures. You can work as an intern at one of the institutes or enrol in an early study programme. Click here to go to Test our university
Academic orientation: Click here to read about the Schedules of the TU Dresden and here to go to the Central Student Information and Counselling Service.
The website of the university’s start portal offers a lot of information and impressions of the university and the city for prospective students. However, the only way to get a real impression is to visit the university. For this reason, there are various programmes that help you get to know the university better. Click here for all Programmes (only in German) offered by the Leipzig University to students, click here to go to the Welcome Centre and here to see all Schedules.
On the Student portal (only in German) of the TU Chemnitz, students can find various programmes that are tailored to their areas of interest. You can even visit the university and experience it from different perspectives. Click here to read about all the Schedules of the TU Chemnitz and here to go to the Central Course Guidance Service.
How does the university function? What can I study at the TU Bergakademie? How do one’s interests and the requirements of a subject fit together? The university offers many opportunities for students to test their own skills, inclinations and interests, whether alone, in a class or through a course. Learn more about the university. Click here to read about the Schedules of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg and here to go to the Counselling Service.
First-hand experience of what it means to study and work at a university of fine arts better equips you to decide whether it suits you and whether you like it. That’s where the Dresden Art Workshop comes in. It gives an insight into the everyday life of studying the arts; practical work in the studio is just as exciting as attending lectures.
Click here to read about the current Schedules of the HfBK and here to go to the Course Guidance.
A prerequisite for admission to a course at the University of Music “Carl Maria von Weber” Dresden is the general higher education entrance qualification - in the case of extraordinary musical skills, completion of the 10th grade (does not apply to the study programmes of Teacher Training and Instrumental and Vocal Pedagogy) and extensive musical training. Get more information here.
The current schedules of the university are given here.
Training at the Palucca University of Dance Dresden is divided into several phases. It begins with the fifth year. The 5th and 6th years are the Orientation Classes. This is followed by the Talented Youth Advance Classes (years 7 through 10), which are completed parallel to secondary school education. Students can then switch to one of the the study programme Dance. It confers students with a Bachelor of Arts degree. The university also offers Master’s study programmes in Dance Teacher and Choreography.
The current schedules of the university are given here and you can get more information from the Course Guidance Service.
Abitur is not required except for the study programmes of Dramaturgy, Music Education and Musicology. In any case, interested students have to take an aptitude test or entrance exam. You will find more detailed information on the website and on the open house day of the university.
The Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig currently offers training courses in the four diploma study programmes of Painting/Graphics, Book Design/Graphic Design, Photography and Media Art.
In addition to artistic aptitude, the Abitur or a vocational diploma is a prerequisite for studying at the HGB Leipzig. In exceptional cases, however, applicants who have demonstrated outstanding talent in an aptitude test can also be admitted. Submitting a portfolio of artistic work relevant to the study programme and a handwritten (!) CV and application form is the first step for applying.
You will find information on student advice and portfolio consultations here and the current university schedules on this page.
Experiencing the university up close is also possible at the HTW. The HTW offers students a variety of opportunities to get to know the university. The current university schedules can be found on Pack dein Studium and on the university website.
Through two large university-wide information events and other annually recurring offers, the HTWK Leipzig shows prospective students what they can expect from the HTWK. Such events and offers are intended for students and teachers alike. You will find all related information here.
Other schedules of the university have been compiled on Pack dein Studium.
Are you in a situation where you would like to study but don’t have a clear picture of what to expect from the course? In order to assist you in the decision-making process and to give you more information about the various study options and course contents, the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau offers various advisory and orientation programmes.
Do you have any questions about the courses, admission requirements or the university’s application process? Employees of the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida are now available on WhatsApp as well. Add the University of Applied Sciences Mittweida as contact with the number 0151/11542900 and send a message. Employees respond within office hours, from Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 15:00 hours.
The University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Görlitz welcomes interested students during their school days as well. The offers are experience-oriented, i.e., students can work on their own under the guidance of teachers and students. Find more information about the university schedules here. The Student Advisory Service provides further assistance.
Prospective students and their parents can contact the respective study programme heads at the appropriate location for personal and individual advice on various topics prior to their studies. Contact details are given on the websites of the locations.
Interested students must first successfully apply to one of the recognised practice partners and conclude a training contract with them.
Application deadlines are based on the schedules of practice partners. Together with the proof of university entrance qualification, the admission application can then be sent to the respective location oft the Cooperative State University. The deadline for submitting the admission application is 30.09. of the year in which you want to start studying. There is no numerus clausus and there are no further admission restrictions or tuition fees. Courses begin on 01.10. every year.